History Is Written By The Victors

Diarrhea isn't a funny subject and Imodium needed a cut-through campaign that goes beyond the usual lifestyle imagery associated with the product category. THE IDEA Diarrhea can strike anyone, at any time, regardless of the situation and often ruining it for everyone else involved. We dramatized our...

Bad Habits

Sticking to a correct diet can be very hard when giving up smoking. Nicotinell Support Icemint Gum helps you giving up smoking without giving in to weight gain. THE IDEA We created a series of iconic visuals, with an art direction that plays on the similarities and...

Great things can happen

Getting smokers to quit is no easy task, since they are immune to all the usual messages related to health benefits and the scary imagery on packs. THE IDEA Most smokers can’t do cold-turkey, but they might be willing to give up just one cigarette a day...

8 hours of happiness

Oilatum is the only clinically proven product to relieve baby’s eczema immediately and up to 8 hours. The problem is nobody knows it. THE IDEA In the UK, Google is the first place a mum visits if her baby is suffering from eczema. So we did our...

Don’t Ignore Blood

Grey asked us to produce some bits to expand their ATL campaign "don't ignore blood", based on shocking images and strong key visuals. How could we create something new and follow the existing campaign? THE IDEA We created a special online banner to dramatise the risk of...


It's hard to be noticed in the toothpaste market, when ad campaigns are all similar. We needed to show that Sensodyne is the only clinically proven product to treat tooth sensitivity in an original way. THE IDEA People suffering from sensitive teeth think the food is responsible...